Op Art: The art of illusion

Everyone loves a good optical illusion! This technique of using lines, shapes, and colors to create illusions is called “op art,” an abstract, visual art which often gives the impression of movement, three-dimensionality, patterns, or warping.
One such artist is Victor Vasarely (1906-1997), a Hungarian-French artist. One of his most famous pictures is called Zebra.

Another famous op artist, who was strongly influenced by the work of Victor Vasarely, is British artist Bridget Riley (1931). She developed a signature style using strong, geometric black-and-white patterns. The photo below, entitled Movement in Squares is an example of the way Riley used lines to produce a distorted, often disorienting effect, as a simple change in square size creates the impression of a warp in the picture.

You will be graded on:

- Composition: Fill the entire page

-Design: Use basic lines, shapes, colors (BLACK & WHITE) to create interesting Op Art

-Good craftsmanship (keep it neat & invest some time)

* Challenge: Add different values to your design

PERIOD 1,2,4A,6: Due on Monday, December 21, 09
PERIOD 4B: Due on Tuesday, December 22, 09

Edible Artwork

Select a food that will make an interesting drawing. Consider a fruit, candy or snack. Make 3 or more drawings of the food you select on the same page showing the food being eaten. The first drawing should be food before you eat it. The second and the third drawing should show the food after you have partially eaten it. Show the food at interesting angles. Fill the page with an interesting composition. Add shading & shadows to give your food realistic form.

* For a challenge: show more than 3 stages, draw yourself eating the food, or consider setting up a light source for interesting shadows.

You will be graded on:

- Composition: Fill the page (no tiny drawings!) & interesting angles

-Accurate observation (draw what you see) & scale

-Good craftsmanship (keep it neat & invest some time)

- Adding values & shadows (shading)

Period 1,2,4B,6 are due on Thursday, 11/19
Period 4A is due on Friday, 11/20

Classwork: Self-portrait

So far we’ve learned:
· To draw what we see, not what we know.
· How to further develop a drawing by adding line quality.
· To shade shapes to create form using a light source and shadows.
· How to use different forms of charcoal
· To make artistic decisions about composition.
· Drawing a self-portrait is challenging.

Where we’re going…
Art Problem:
· Create a self-portrait using charcoal.
· The drawing will be on 4 different pieces of paper that somehow fit together.
· Show multiple (at least 3) views of yourself.
· Consider composition (size, placement, angle).
· Use line quality, shading, shadows, highlights and blending to demonstrate an understanding of technique.
· Draw from observation – what you see!

Things to think on:
· Zoom in on a feature or part of your face or body.
· Show expression, mood, emotion, personality.
· Continue an image from one paper to the next.
· Overlap images. Superimpose!
· Consider a pose and interesting perspectives.
· Background – Light/Dark
· Adding in extra objects (from observation only!)

Super-size Me Due on Oct. 12

Sketchbook #2: Super-Size Me

For your next sketchbook assignment, I'd like you to think big, but start with something small. Find a small object (should fit inside your hand) and do a close up drawing of it.

-Your drawing should be zoomed in to capture the object at least 5 times larger than it actually is.
-Create an interesting composition by experimenting with the size, angle, and placement of your object on your page.
-Your drawing should go off/touch at least two edges of the page.
-Your drawing should show a full range of values (shading) to illustrate the light and shadows you see.

**For a challenge: Capture reflections and shadows. Consider using more than one of your object or an object that is more complex or unique!


Awsome initial designs! Good job on zooming in and out!

Spoon in a Cup

Great job on your first homework!! Keep up the good work.


Next week, we're are going to make a small sketchbook and call it a "visual journal". You need to bring in at least 3 artifacts to decorate the cover of your visual journal. Find artifacts that says something about you, and they could be anything from your photographs, coupons, tags, maps, drawings, receits, or any 2-D objects.

PERIODS 1, 2, 4A & 6: DUE on Monday, 9-14.
PERIOD 4B: DUE on Tuesday, 9-15.

Due on 9/8/09

-Find four different fonts on the internet, from a word processing program, or that you create that appeal to you and use them to write OR type your initials. Print them out or sketch them in your sketchbook and bring them in for our next class to use as reference for your portfolio.
Print out 4 various types of fonts, such as italic, bold, capital, cursive, and etc.
-Get your syllabus signed
-Bring in your sketchbook/notebook

Visual Journals

Visual Journals

Below is a list of all the visual journal entries you must complete by the end of the school year. Complete them in the order they are listed in your journal (ex. assignment 3 should be on the 3rd page). Journals will be due and collected twice a quarter to be graded. Work at your own pace, but be sure to have the required assignments done at the collection dates. You will have some class time to work on these assignments, but working on them outside of school is highly encouraged. Respond to each word/phrase creatively, artistically and personally. You should use different media through out the journal. Think outside the box. How will you visually record what these thoughts mean to you?

Due October 1 (1-2)

Book Setup

1. I am

2. Travel

Due October 29 (3-5)

3. Pattern

4. *Artist Inspiration #1

5. Trapped

Due December 3 (6-8)

6. Symmetry

7. Serenity

8. Warped

Due January 14 (9-11)

9. Movement

10. Pressure

11. Nightmare

Due Feb 18 (12-14)

12. Texture

13. *Artist Inspiration #2

14. Poetry

Due March 25 (15-17)

15. Form

16. Power

17. Youth

Due April 29(18-20)

18. Unity

19. Destitute / Poverty

20. Aspiration

June 3 (21-23)

21. Time

22. Creature

23. Decomposition

*Artist Inspiration – Choose an artist that is inspiring to you. You can find an artist inspiration from a book, the internet, or a gallery/museum. Create an artwork based on this artist. It could be a response to how their work makes you feel, in the same style as the artist, or about the same subject matter.

How can you make your cover unique and personalized? How will it tie into the theme of the book? Consider mixed media.

Due on 9/14/09

Drawing by Todd FordFind an interesting clear drinking glass. Fill it about half way with water. Place a metal spoon in the glass of water. Carefully observe what you see. Create a drawing that captures what you see in an interesting way. Show a variety of line quality. Consider an interesting angle, and have your drawing take up the space on the page. Add value (shading) to your drawing. Your drawing will be graded on the following:1) Uses the entire page, (touches at least two edges of the page)2) Shows evidence of being drawn from life (don't make it up!)3) Uses a variety of line quality (remember the artist's styles we looked at in class)4) Demonstrates at least an hour of observed study. (Take your time and do your best!)5) Show shading of different values that you see. (Include shadows and reflections!)

I will not accept drawings that are not in a sketchbook!



Art I: Foundations of Visual Art

Reservoir High School Art Department

Jennifer Moon, Instructor


Course Syllabus


Course Description: 

In this class you will be given the tools and methods to enable you to understand the visual world in which we live. You will have the opportunity to develop this understanding through the discovery of your own unique solutions to a variety of art problems.  The solutions you create will come from a multitude of media experimentations and will take the form of many wonderful and personal prints, drawings, sculptures, collages, paintings, and craft objects. 


To inspire and direct you through the process of making these works we will look at and examine the work of artists who have come before you, and also the artists who are working along side of you in the world today.  You will discover and experience the methods that artists used to create art: the research, the sketches, the preliminary studies, the experimentation with media, the final refined work, and the critique or reflection on that work.


Fundamental Experiences: 

             Art I is a foundation course where students will:

-Identify and apply the elements of art and principles of design

                           -Use Feldman’s four-step process for making critical judgments.

-Use various idea-generating approaches, including: imagination,

observation, memory, verbal-to-visual, and experimental.

-Develop creative problem solving skills, as well as design and 

technical skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture, and crafts.



-          A hard sketchbook (hard cover book or spiral bound.)

8.5”x11” or  9”x12”  DO NOT get tablet bound pads (taped binding)

-          #2 drawing pencils.

-          The rest of the materials will be provided. However, you may find you’d like to purchase some basic supplies for use at home (erasers, charcoal, colored pencils, scissors, glue stick, etc.)


Attendance & Lateness:

            All students are expected to observe and adhere to all policies defined in the Student Handbook regarding lateness, attendance and conduct.  Lateness will not be tolerated. As a studio class, attendance and promptness are critical to the success of the student in Art II. Multiple tardies will result in detention and affect the student’s grade. Attendance will be taken daily.


Portfolio, Assessment, and Grading:

            Each student will compile a portfolio that consists of work done in class or at home, sketchbook/journal, reflections and exams.  Portfolio reviews will be scheduled between the instructor and the student periodically throughout the semester.

A student’s grade will be based upon daily in-class work, homework, reflections, and assignments.  Assignments will be evaluated based upon the following components: 

1.         Objectives - Meeting the criteria or objectives for the specific assignment.  Ex. An assignment may include specific preparation/brainstorming.

2.         Studio Skills – Proper handling of equipment, responsible use of time, respect for others and their work, clean-up, and class participation.

3.         Craftsmanship / Presentation – Neatness and respect for your work should be evident in the appearance of a completed assignment.

          4.          Design – Thoughtfulness to the composition and its relationship to personal ideas.


This system will allow the teacher and the student to evaluate specific strengths and identify areas that need improvement.

Grades will be based upon percentages:

A=90-100%    B=80-89%    C=70-79%    D=60-69%


Class work & Homework:

About 60% of your grade will be class work. It is in the student’s best interest to use their regular class time wisely to complete assignments.  If in-class time is not used wisely, more out-of-class work may be the result.


 About 30% of your grade will be homework. Homework will be a combination of journal assignments and sketchbook assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to record homework assignments. Assignments are also posted on the classroom web site. Plan on spending about an hour per week for homework.


10% of your grade will be participation. Students will be graded daily on their class participation. This includes working the entire time of class, being respectful, and clean up. Unexcused absences and tardies will affect the participation grade.


Deadlines and Missed Work:

Assignment deadlines are set at the discretion of the instructor when the assignment is given.  It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work due to excused absences.  Students are also responsible for scheduling appointments with the teacher to discuss make-up work.  You are permitted a one- day extension for every day you are absent.  If the student is absent on the day an out-of-class assignment is due, the assignment should be handed in on the following day.  The nature of the work missed in class may require that you work at school, rather than at home.  It is up to the instructor to decide on what day and at what time this will occur.  Unexcused late work will lose a letter grade for each day late.


Studio Expectations:


1.) All tools and materials must be handled with care, respect, and safely.


2.) No electronic devices are allowed (Cell phones, iPods, etc.)


3.) Care for and clean up in the studio as if it were your own.


4.) No food or drink except bottled water.


5.) For some people, conversation helps them to make art; for others, quiet, focused thought is best.  In this class, talking quietly while you work is okay – as long as your conversation is not adversely affecting your work, or the work of those around you.  I will be the judge of how much talking is too much talking.


Contact Info:


The easiest and best way to communicate with me is through email. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with concerns or questions. My classroom website is also a good resource for staying informed and contacting me.


Email: jennifer_moon@hcpss.org


Web Site: www.rhsart.blogspot.com


RHS phone#: 410.888.8850



Please take the time to review this syllabus at home with your parent(s) guardian(s).  Complete this form and return it by the end of the week.



I have read and understand the expectations of me and agree to the guidelines outlined in this syllabus. I also understand that failure to uphold my end of the bargain may result in disciplinary action.



_____________________________                      _____________________________

student name (please print)                                                student signature



I have reviewed the expectations for this course with the student in my care.


_____________________________                      _____________________________

parent name (please print)                                                                 parent signature


_____________________________                      _____________________________

phone number (home)                                                                       email address



phone number (work or cell)





Some of the work we will be undertaking this year will be used for building a school-based visual arts website and documented in an art educational research article.  For this purpose, I, the teacher will photograph some of your artwork, students working in class, and take some quotes from reflective statements. 

As most of you are under 18 years of age, please ask your parents / guardian to sign below giving permission for your artwork to be reproduced for/in the school based website and art education publication.  (I can publish and post only student work for which parental permission has been granted.)  Permission is not required, and this website and research project will in no way affect the assessment and grading of student work throughout the year.


I grant permission for the Reservoir Fine Arts Department to document my child, their artwork, and reflective statements for publication in school-based websites and art education journals.



_____________________________                      _____________________________

parent name (please print)                                                                 parent signature